Take Note: 4 Steps to Write Copy that Converts


Writing copy is one thing; writing copy that converts your audience is a completely different ballgame. People who come across your website or social ads don’t read – they skim. From one point to another, your reader is jumping around text and will leave the instant that something doesn’t interest them.
Why does quality copy matter? When done well, copy can motivate people to click a link, sign-up for your email list, or visit your website. All of these actions help you grow your business and get more information about your customer base.
Take a look at these 4 steps to take next time a copywriting job comes across your desk:

1. Connect with Your Audience

First things first, build a connection with your audience. Draw in the reader by relating to them first before pitching the sale. Do your research before you even start writing.
Ask yourself these questions:
  • What is the customer looking for?
  • What are the pain points and needs of the audience?
Once you understand them, you can write to them. Once they see that you have a solution to their problem, they will be more likely to convert.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you should be writing AT the reader. You want to build a relationship with them rather than pitch a sale. 

Don’t write for the entire audience, write as if you’re talking to a single person in that audience. People want to feel special, not roped into a group. 

This may call for you to change your voice in your writing. Your copy should read as if your customer wrote it themselves. As painful as it may be to a copywriter, don’t be afraid to break the laws of grammar. (Definitely remember to turn off your Grammarly browser.) Not sure what voice to use? Breaking down your audience into personas will make it clear! 

MoonPie is notorious for writing off-the-wall content. As a reader, you don’t feel like you’re being sold to when the copy is kept casual.


2. Show Value
I’m sure your product or service has great features that you’re excited to share with your customers. As tempting as it may be to spill the beans, pump the brakes, and rethink your copy. Of course, customers want to know what you can do, but they care more about what it can do for them.
Use value-based messaging. Value-based messaging shows how well you understand your customer and their needs. Talk less about your product or service and talk more about how it can add value to your customer’s life. To do this, put yourself in their shoes like you did when connecting with them in Step #1. What are their biggest headaches? Why would they need you?
The key is to not just describe a problem that your audience has. Instead, you have to offer a solution for the copy to convert. Your audience already knows what the problem is – that’s why they’ve come across your product after all! 



Don’t tease the solution – you don’t want to waste time trying to reel them in!




3. Be Specific (and Simple)
It can be easy to fill copy with a bucket of blanket claim words along the lines of “more”, “faster”, and “better”. Stand out with your copy by being specific. People don’t care about “more.” Tell them how much more.
Our attention spans are short. Keep your copy as specific as possible to get your point across quickly. Don’t shoot for winning a Pulitzer Prize. You want to use basic words that are short and easy to read.
4. Drive Your Audience to Take Action
Now that your readers are locked in with your copy, you have them in the perfect spot to take action and convert. If there’s not a call to action, then what’s the point of trying to reach your audience in the first place?
Frame your call-to-action as a call-to-value. This adds a layer of urgency to the reader and will drive them to move further down the marketing funnel. Using call-outs on buttons or leading up to a link in the copy itself is key for successful conversion.
Remember: Don’t just ask your audience to take action, ask them to take it now! Be specific in your call-out. If the CTA says “Learn more”, tell them what they’re going to learn more about. It improves the experience of scanning while reading by providing more context.
It can be easy to be in the “sales” mindset while writing copy. Keep your mind on your customer and write to them. Your copy really is just a conversation that knows what the customer wants and offers a solution.
Good luck!
Need a hand with improving the copy for your business? Let us know!

Author Info

Hello hello! My name is Renee Rude and I am the Content Specialist here at Systemax. 
I work closely with the team to facilitate content creation for clients that align with their overall marketing plan and business objectives. From social media to copywriting to graphic design, I’m here to help clients reach their goals! Outside of the office, you can find me working out or trying to plot when I’m going to the Jonas Brothers next on tour. (I’ve been a fan since I was 8 years old and am proud of it😉)